A lot of people have told me on my other blog that I never write about myself and lack that personal touch.
I on my part, sometimes just feel like writing about my day.. or may be just a thought or a line that catches my fancy.
So here I am starting this new blog which would have nothing to do with creative stuff, that would be reserved for freeville. This one is going to have daily posts (unless i am out of station or the net gets conked again :|) about my day.. could be anything from a line to a full fledged gatha or may be just a word.
Hope you guys like it and may be get to know me better
take care
PS: I almost forgot.. today's post :D
Today I had a lazy foodie day.. bunked college(if you call not attending the only two lectures we have on Thursdays without any loss of attendance bunking.. aaaah the perks of being in the last semester).. had a sinfully late morning.. add to that the fact that my net conn finally got back in shape.. aaah what an electric start!!
went out with friends and just hogged away to glory.. I am a real fooooodie and today was an absolute treat 'coz we decided to try all kinds of new things, just the kind of adventure i savor (literally ;) :D) (and as my golden luck for the day would have it, most of the mysteries we sunk our teeth into turned out to be quite worth solving)
missed out on my badminton time in the evening (I have restarted playing badminton after over 6 years of not having picked up the racket and am loving it.. all the swoosh and hoosh and the adraline charging through.. its almost worth the terrible back ache and stiff-as-a-rod arm it has given me), 'coz I had to attend to the routerwala.
watched a movie, Italian job, which turned out to be quite enjoyable
and am ending the day by chatting to all my friends.. catching up on all the juicy gossip and of course feasting my eyes on my blog :D
all in all a delicious day
PPS:had a hot chocolate fudge today ;) ;) :D
yeah supposedly, it is supposed to be fun during the last semester. But seriously, It is killing me, the last semester. There is so much of free time, it kills. Gaawd.
I think of doing something good and fun, but then I am lazy enough to start doing any of it. The only respite are the blogs, and some interest lately cause of the Crush thing :D
Else its a boring boring boring last semester.
About being romantic (in the other blog, actually the blog window was open seconds ago, but then I closed it and then I am too lazy to open it again, but then I thought of writing this over and then this window was there .. so its coming here .. hehe .. pretty stupid I know .. skip it .. ohh but you are already here :D)
yeah, so about being Romantic, you might not know, but in the other blog that I had, which was main blog initially, but then I shunned it, different story,
yeah so I was called or so was the blog header Title:
'Hopeless Romantic' .. hehe ..
now u knw ..
nd if u get ur hands on .. do listen to this song 'hopeless romantics' by Eagles.
oops the songs called 'There's a New kid in Town'
Ok tell me..is ur real name Sherry?
well trust me I am no stranger to how unbearably boring the last sem is, its downright maddening at times and has turned me into a pakka wala net addict, in particular a blogger addict :D
but I can't deny, at last getting the freedom to marofy as many bunks as I want, is a perk worth appreciating ;) :D
aaah yes, the crush thing has definitely spiced up the whole blogger scene.. and you I have noticed have a very ardent secret admirer ;)
uhm uhm what's cooking?? :P
and as for romantic, most of my friends call me a romantic beyond salvage :D
and please don't tell me you are an eagles fan too!! They have been my favourite bands for ages I love "witchy woman" and "one of these nights" and many more
does it matter?
whats cooking?
I am bad at cooking, so it would be bad eventually :D .. but its nothing actually, it's a blogger friend I know and she's just admiring for the fun that we all share on the blogs and how we get to know one another slowly and steadily and how it all becomes a part of our lives.
I don't have a real life crusher .. LOL :D
you seem to be admired too .. what about that honey? bolo bolo tell tell ..
yeah I like eagles, they are nice, but I have mostly heard their 'hotel california' album, not much of other ones .. and lately bcause of ceedy's dedication I went back to listening scorpions too .. who are great too .. but recently .. I am mad for Radiohead and Glen Hansard (that Oscar winning guy from movie ONCE).
music is my first love :D
Hey Sherry,
For some reason I am unable to open the page of Impressionist http://centreofeternity.blogspot.com/...i guess u left a dedication for him right. Now ull have to inform him urslef to come n have a look at what u left for him. Sorry i am just not able to login to him page. some error..i hope u wont mind doin that urslef. leme know :)
hey Sherry...merry merry...lol...
:)nice look..will check it...daily...
u can't cook??
thats a shame
how will you ever pamper your lady love?? ;) :D
and as for my secret admirer he says he just likes the way I right and so i shouldn't be curious about who it is.. his/her logic beats me.. but what can I do
so nothing to tell there :D
I wouldn't say music is my first love.. that has to be books, but it sure is on my current crush list :D
no problem.. have relayed the message
@d sinner
thanks... I am depending on it :)
hey what are u studyin... and where? sounds like quite a tasty day u had there :P ;)
PS: blogrolled u
yeah .. A stupid guy .. I think.
I am studying to be an engineer.. last semester
It was delicious indeed.. thanks vands
hmm.. I don't know
I had a friend named Charmin, nick Sherry.
Another one named Sherezade, nick Sherry.
i had a friend Navjoth Singh Sidhu,nick Sherry
hope u wont run outta things to impersonate:D
and white purse thing ...honestly my eyes were all filled at the end
its a nick too.. but i am sorry I want to keep my real name a secret
thanks.. I am happy it touched ur heart.. I had tears running down my cheeks when I wrote it
secretive sherry :)))
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