what can I say about today
Friday, so no college.. had a lazily late morning(well, I am completely vella, so thats how most of my mornings are, and that is how most of my posts are going to start here.. so don't be jealous ;) :D ).. the light and heat from the window next to my bed finally woke me up at 10 am, God how quickly the summers have come.. but I was feeling too lazy to get out of bed, so just turned and rolled over to my roomie's much cooler bed(we have three adjacent beds in our room and my roomie is home, so why not cash in) and lay rolling about for a while pretending to doze..
My rumbling grumbling hungry stomach finally got me out of bed around 11:30.. only to find the paranthas were long gone
:sigh: who said I was lucky as far as food was concerned He giveth He taketh :sniff: :sob:
spent the rest of the day lazing around in bed (yes again!!!) logged on to blogger and gtalk with the usual "hey! whatsup? nthn much just tp u temme?" conversation with the same old equally vella people
My roomie Mani, who is a lifesaver finally rescued me by procuring Madagaskar from God knows where and we spent the afternoon laughing and oooohing away to glory. Trust me on this one guys, this is one movie no one ought to miss!! Melman The giraffe was sooooo hillarious and Alex the lion just had me roaring there and what do I say about Marty, "man I gotta have a frn like that !!" and Gloria.. she is just my newest idol
and then it was Mani again who got me to go to the market and rent two DVD's, so now I have a movie marathon ahead of me.. have already watched Fire and am all boiling up to watch the rest of the 6 movies.. aaah its going to be some night for an insomniac like me
Mani did I tell you I love u girl for being such an angel
well right now the angel is turning quite devillish and is all set to murder me if I don't get off this lappy right now.. its show time folks
see ya!!
You an insomniac and movie buff too. Woah! same pinch. I consider myself as the best movie freak born. :P
For me Friday means catching up with whatever movie is released. Today i saw the latest "Black n White". Good one. Tomm. going for "10,000 BC". :D
Can't help it! An aspiring film-maker, what else can one expect. lol
movies .. yeah I see a lot of them too .. thts a savior actually. Have seen 'madagaskar' long long ago, it was hilarious .. I liked that Tribal leader too :D .. and we all love that 'crazy after a nutt guy' in Ice Age don't we .. hehe ..
That reminds me, I have to watch 'Euro Trip' too .. having been missing on to it since long.
enjy the show ;)
@rohit.. *pinch back*
i wouldn't say i am the est movie freak ever but my record is 21 and a half movies in three days.. it would have been 22 but i kind of fainted in the mid of the last one :D
Actually I wasn't this big a movie buff, but for insomniacs like me.. well what better way to be a nishachar?
an aspiring film-maker.. woohooo
all the best and send me a DVD :D
yeaaaaah the tribal guy with his "I lik to mobe it mobe it"
that had me in tears from laughing so hard my stomach hurt
and Ice Age.. that is another one of my fav animation movies.. both the parts actually and that squirrel has to be my fav character in the movie hehe
Melman was the coolest... dubbed in by david schwimmer aka ross.
madagascar is something that i can watch almost everyday with dinner.
for me 2-3 movies back to back on my laptop each night of the weekend is blissful.
apocalypto and ladder 49 is cooking tonight :)
hey vella and nocturnal ... thats me too :D
just one question... friday no college?? yaar yeh kaunsa engg. college hai...me is also studyin to be an engineer isliye poocha
yes he sure was cool
what with his self obsession and imaginary ailments and the way he always got his neck stuck everywhere, quite literally :D
tonight I had Chandni Bar and Bend It like Beckham and of course another private screening of Madagaskar :D
bas hai aisa mera college, actually final year students have three days off instead of two
ru renting me out da dvds? pls pls pls.........love them
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