8th march
women's day
and boy did I have an out and out females only day.. you bet!!
As it so happens, Microsoft decided to hold a nation drive hunt for women employees.
So I along with a few of my friends decided to give it a shot. If nothing else, it was a a great opportunity for a little picnic to Delhi.
So off we went to Janakpuri, a cabfull of women(read girls!!!) and a good-for-nothing driver to test our fortunes at Microsoft. Of course none of us knew the way, who had bothered to ask for directions dude? no-one!!
But thanks to N.G's boyfriend M.D who happens to know every street gali nukkad of Delhi better than the back of his hand, and their trusted free Tata Indicom connection, we managed to reach the venue in time, only to find a throng of some 3000+ girls... and lines reaching almost to the end of the ground.
Off we went scanning every line for a familiar face so as to make her our newest best friend(
line me khusna tha yar.. thoda lafda to chalta h re :D :D :D)
We managed to find someone I.K new vaguely from school or something, and managed to slip into the line
The PPT was impressive with a lot of stress on how women friendly the company is complete with a rundown about the day care centre (I hope I don't need that in a long time to come :D).
Time for the test had come so we were sent trooping into little classrooms with rickety brown benches and cracked green boards and dumb and flustered(though deliciously cute) invigilators.
I am not going to go into the details of the 5 papers we were made to give. It was technical stuff, most of which seemed vaguely familiar(stresssss on the
'vaguely' part) and none of which I was sure of.. so let total
tukkebazi rule the day.. result for the written will be out in a week, no hopes there but that doesn't mean i am not going to check my mail every few minutes for the rest of the week(there is a word called fluke in the English dictionary for some reason folks..!!)
Straight after the test it was time to head back to the hostel, of course with our customary visit to the girl's rest room ;) and a teeny weeny stop at Mc D'ssssss :D :D :D
All in all a nice day.
aaaah yes, did I mention our cranky driver had a habit of taking the longest possible way and then turning back for more than half of it, instead of taking the direct cut we had been screaming in his ear to take... :sigh: You should have seen N.G's face when he just about ignored every direction she was giving him on the way back, if it wouldn't have been for the coke and the burger keeping her hands busy, I swear she would have wrenched the wheel out of his hands and strangled him. Thank God for McD's!! *Face splitting grin*
:D :D :D
PS: Could someone please tell me who got voted out on roadies tonight? My cable operator had to blank out at the precise moment of reckoning Grrrrhhhhhh..!!!!